Life Transition Support | Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh, my! – What Dorothy Can Teach Us!

When Dorothy found herself in an unusual new place she knew the 1 thing she WANTED – To go home!  From this, she set her mind on it and took control of her life to get her home! The bad weather, Flying Monkeys, and Wicked Witch of the West were unable to deter her from what she Wanted!  Along the way home, Dorothy gained friends and supporters AND Inspired others to find what they WANTED and to go after it by taking back their control!  The moral of this children’s story is that … you have everything you need inside of you to get what you WANT – you just need to realize it, make a plan, and CHOOSE to make it happen!

We all have obstacles in our path no matter how wonderful our lives are – the world we live in has certainly shown us some obstacles recently!  The key for one’s outlook on life and happiness is …. Whether they feel they have control over their life!  When one feels they have no control, they fall victim to the surroundings around them and the world keeps ‘happening to them’… When one feels in control, the events around them will not bother them, they will make a plan, and move forward! 

What’s the difference between these 2 viewpoints?  1 simple thing…Those that THRIVE have defined what they want and know it is their choice to go get it – They understand they have the control to make a difference!  Our mind is a very powerful thing!

So, whether you are in the role of supporting your clients through a challenging experience in their life or you feel as though things just ‘keep happening’ to you, I would encourage you to think more like Dorothy….

  • What do you (or your clients) WANT?  

  • What’s the Plan to get there?

  • Understand You are In Control!

  • CHOOSE to Make It Happen!

About JP Coaching & Consulting, Inc

We are life transition coaches and business consultants, partnering to help you Make Your Dreams Come Alive!  In our life coaching business, we focus on individuals experiencing major life transitions with an emphasis on divorce, co-parenting, mitigating ‘parental alienation’, and reuniting parents and children.

Attorneys, mediators, and therapists, whom have clients working with us, receive more client appreciation and feel more gratification knowing that they are truly serving their client’s needs and the needs of the family unit because we help their clients define WHAT THEY WANT, Make a Plan, & Provide Tools so that the choices they need to make during the divorce process become simple and less emotionally charged.

Our after-divorce clients, feel empowered, free, in control, and excited for their future life because they have defined What They Want, Understand They are in Control & Have the Tools to lead their children home….just like Dorothy!

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