Conscious Co-Parenting

Successful Co-Parenting (from the beginning)

Prepare yourself with the skills and tools you need to provide your children with the opportunity to Thrive in both their Homes.

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If you’re here, I know the emotions and life changes you are experiencing right now with your divorce. You are not Alone – I am here to support and stand by your side as you are going through this journey so you may rise up into the loving authentic parent your children deserve.

I have supported families just like you successfully navigate the divorce process so their children (and you too) are given the family dynamic they deserve!

– Here’s What I Know –

Divorcing is Difficult, it’s like losing a part of You!
 (no matter if it’s your choice or not)

When you have children together, the decision making process for what’s ‘best for you’re kids’, becomes challenging at best and confrontational and/or abusive at worst.

Your childrens’ emotional well-being is critical for their-self confidence, self-esteem, and forming lasting strong emotionally healthy relationships.

“Un” Conscious co-parenting can cause emotional damage for your children through their adulthood.

How to spot “Un” Conscious Co-Parenting

Are these things happening in your family?

 One or both parents are expressing emotions in front of the kids

You and your co-parent are unable to agree about anything as it relates to your kids

One or both parents are putting themselves & their needs over the kids needs

One or both parents are involved in the ‘blame game’ and don’t take responsibility for their own behaviors

One or the other parent is ‘minimizing’ the importance of having both parents in their kids’ lives

One or the other parent is ‘denigrating’ the other parent in front of the children

The parental disagreements are occurring ‘in-front’ of the children

Temporary agreements made as you’re finalizing your divorce are not being followed by one or the other parent

Your children seem to be getting involved in the parental conflict

If this sounds familiar,
your children are most likely ‘Caught In the Middle’ and experiencing some level level of Divorce Abuse.

 The family court system is not equipped to work with each family and help with this mental health crisis 

 It is not a legal professional’s role to support the mental well-being for their clients

 There are very few families and/or therapeutic professionals working with children and their parents early on in the divorce process to support the family transition

 You and your children need help and support in order to process the emotions that are a part of divorce so that you may rise above and begin Thriving!

I have a Solution to support you.

My Successful Co-Parenting private coaching package empowers you to RISE UP and lead your family through the Divorce Process & Beyond

9 hours of private coaching for you that will provide you with the skills and tools necessary to remain child-focused during and after your divorce so that your children have the opportunity to grow in a home environment without being caught in the middle of you and your co-parent’s emotions and potential hostility.

This private coaching will move you from “Un” Conscious co-parenting to Conscious Co-Parenting and put you on track to co-parenting in an environment where everyone begins Thriving.

Here’s what you’ll Receive

An understanding of how divorce impacts your children

Signs of “Divorce Abuse” and how to prevent it

Tools to put your feelings aside for your children’s best interest

An understanding of why it is so important to work on your healing

Tools to support you as you shift from the role of ‘partner’ to ‘co-parent’

Communication Techniques to de-escalate conflict

Conflict Resolution Skills so you and your family can start living in peace

So you are able to get on track for your unique co-parenting situation! 

Aren’t you READY to Start Living a Peaceful & Happy Life with Your Children AND PREVENT Co-Parenting Conflict?

 Then Invest in yourself & Family!

Each parent agrees to the private coaching package!

Both parents schedule their weekly private sessions – in the same week, just not together

Four (4), 2-hour private zoom coaching sessions

AND one (1), 1-hour private phone coaching session

Be Ready to Shift Your Family Dynamic & Have a Peaceful Co-Parenting Experience!

Experience the POWER of a Shifting family dynamic when:

 Both parents receive the same information and education each week (just at different times)

 Both parents are able to freely share their concerns and discuss possibilities

 Both parents receive 1-on-1 coaching for their unique family dynamic

Only $1,250 when you enroll in this private coaching package

Normally offered as individual coaching valued at $2,500

Isn’t your Children’s happiness


your PEACE worth it!

Sign Up Now

A Note from Janet

As a child whose parents divorced when I was in 6th grade, I have first hand experience with how Divorce Abuse impacts the kids.   As an adult and in my first marriage, I fell for a man (“Un” consciously) whom also had family trauma in his childhood.  When we were divorcing, we were both “Un” consciously triggered by our pasts and while we both believed we were doing things to help and love our children, in fact we were not!

 With self-reflection, healing, and unconditional love towards our family unit, I was able to build a strong loving relationship with both of my parents and re-build my relationship with my children that was severed for more than 5 years.

All my programs provide you with the tools and skills necessary so that you TOO can end the generational cycle of pain and trauma associated with Divorce in YOUR FAMILY!

I look forward to partnering with you in the journey of Rising Up!




“This course is a must have for anyone divorcing with kids.  As a matter of fact, someone could take this course yearly and still find things to be reminded about because when you are co-parenting, life happens and it’s hard to always remember to always focus on the kids!”

~Rachel J

“I’ve been divorced and co-parenting for some time.  After taking this course I have been reminded about what’s most important – My Kids!  This course gave me tools and strategies to communicate more effectively so that my kids stay the focus.  Our co-parenting relationship is already better.”

~Beth S

Complimentary Session

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    About Janet

    Certified Co-Parent Specialist
    Conscious Co-Parenting Institute
    Janet Price_Going Solo Network