Co-Parenting Support | 4 Foundations For Successful Co-Parenting, by Janet Price as published in

Welcome to the world of co-parenting, where so many emotions, feelings, and thoughts get wrapped up in one little word!

It is normal to find it easy to relate and communicate with some people and harder with others. For most of us, this new phase of relating to ‘our kids’ other parent’ is going to take some work to figure out, but it is important for you and your children that you do the work to form new ways of communicating!


All children have the right to love both their parents and be loved by both of their parents. After all, children share the DNA of both parents and don’t have the choice to ‘divorce’ either of you.  The best way for you to think about divorce would be as the process of ‘uncoupling the marriage’… not breaking the family unit, because from a child’s perspective they will always have their family: “mom, dad, me”!

The uncoupling process impacts everyone in different ways and figuring out how to relate to the other parent during this process and after takes work! Emotions are high and always changing thus making this process challenging.

Foundations For Successful Co-Parenting

Below are four important things you can do to lay the foundation for a successful shared-parenting relationship. (Do not worry, even if you have been doing this for some time, you can still use the information below to reassess and shift the dynamics of your shared-parenting relationship to encourage more positive support for your children.)

1. Understand that you are now an owner in a Business called: ‘The Children’ And You and the Other Parent are business partners

To read the rest of this article you can find it on this link

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