LIfe Transition Support | Lessons We Can Learn From Nature To Help Us Navigate Our Life Path!

Mother Nature has a fun way of reminding us that time just does not stand still!  I’ve recently been traveling more within the United States and I am constantly reminded of the changes around me.  In fact, while I was in Dallas recently there was snow on the ground when I arrived but by the next morning it was 70 degrees outside and sunny.  And again the next day it was raining!  Not only was the temperature outside changing but the water in the air was also transforming from ice, to clouds, to rain drops!  It was quite amazing for me to observe the passing of the weather in such a short time period and how easily Mother Nature transitions between all of these weather patterns.

As I started thinking more specifically about water and all of it’s forms I started thinking about how I have seen a raging angry ocean and the next morning I have awoken to the most peaceful, calm, warm, and tranquil seas.  Or when river rafting on Class 5 raging rapids and then suddenly I find myself in the depths of a cool, calm, deep pool at the bottom of the rapids!  It is quite amazing how water is constantly transforming itself, ebbing and flowing with the surroundings of mother nature, yet also coming back to it’s most calm and tranquil state in a graceful manner.

I believe water can be a good model for us to use in our day to day life transitions.  Yes, we may encounter blustery events (weather) as we walk our path of life, but if we truly know who and what we are and stay true to this, we will be able to transform how we externally relate to others during the difficult times while maintaining our grace and true self.  If we learn how to do this then when blustery events occur in our life we are more capable to maintain our sense of happiness, completeness, and calmness!  In my coaching practice I work with my clients to help them find their true self and define their Life Path so that no matter what happens in their life they are able to maintain a sense of happiness, completeness, tranquility, and yes grace, like water!

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