Author Archives: Janet Price

Mindfulness | Human Connection Feeds the Soul – Take On My Challenge!

Daily we are all inundated with our hectic daily lives, the stresses at work, the electronic media influences, our daily commutes, keeping in touch with our friends and families, and maintaining our homes.  And if you are also in a life transition, what you may normally handle begins to feel overwhelming and can suck you […]

Life Transition Support | What Young 4 Legged Creatures Can Teach Us about Handling Life Transitions!

Large 4 legged creatures have long awkward limbs when they are born, but very soon after they have to learn how to use these legs to stand up on, move forward (all 4), walk, run, jump, and even swim.  If they don’t they will not survive!  They come into the world and very quickly have […]

LIfe Transition Support | Lessons We Can Learn From Nature To Help Us Navigate Our Life Path!

Mother Nature has a fun way of reminding us that time just does not stand still!  I’ve recently been traveling more within the United States and I am constantly reminded of the changes around me.  In fact, while I was in Dallas recently there was snow on the ground when I arrived but by the […]